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Campus: IT
Term: WINT25
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INME3 - All Course (INME 3)
ALL - All Courses (STMA3)
ALL - All Courses (STMA4)
ALL - All Courses (STMA1)
ALL - All Courses (DENT)
INME 2 - All Courses (INME 2)
ALL WEEKS - All Weeks (PLTA 1)
MCHA2 - All Weeks (MCHA 2)
MCHA4 - All Weeks (MCHA4)
ANAP2003 - Anatomy And Physiology II (HIM1)
MOAS3020 - Anatomy, Physiology And Medical Terminology II (MOAS)
PIPT1003 - Applied Pipe Trade Math 1 (PIPE1)
COMP2112 - Applied Spreadsheets (OHS1)
COMP2112 - Applied Spreadsheets (HIM1)
CADD1000 - Autocad Level 1 (INME)
PIPT3015 - Blueprint Interpretation (PIPE2)
PIPT1015 - Blueprint Interpretation And P (PIPE1)
PLGA 1861 - Blueprint Reading & Interpretation 2 (PLGA 2)
PLGA1850 - Blueprint Reading & Interpretation I (PLGA 1)
PIPT3016 - Building As A System (PIPE2)
HIMP2000 - Clinical Pathology II (HIM1)
HIMP3007 - Codingand Classificaion Systems III (HIM2)
HIMP1007 - Coding & Classification Systems I (HIM1)
BIOL1046 - College Biology I (ACC)
CHEM1046 - College Chemistry 1 (ACC)
MATH1046 - College Math 1 (ACC)
PLGA1867 - Commercial Venting (PLGA 3)
PLGA1866 - Commerical, Storm & Combined.... (PLGA 3)
COMM2215 - Communications- Workplace Applications (MOAS)
PIPT1021 - Copper Piping (PIPE1)
PLGA1877 - Cross Connection Controls (PLGA 4)
COMP2008 - Database Management (HIM2)
DBAS3085 - Data Security (IT-DA2)
COMP2215 - Document Processing II - Medical Office (MOAS)
PLGA1853 - Drainage, Waste & Venting Systems 1a (PLGA 1)
PLGA1854 - Drainage, Waste & Venting Systems 1b (PLGA 1)
PLGA 1863 - Drainage Waste & Venting Systems 2 (PLGA 2)
HIMP2014 - Epidemiology (HIM2)
PIPT1001 - Ferrous Piping (PIPE1)
INME - From Previous Level (INME 3)
INME 2 - From Previous Level (INME 2)
PLGA3 - From Previous Level (PLGA 3)
PLGA 2 - From Previous Levels (PLGA 2)
PLGA4 - From Previous Semester (PLGA 4)
PLGA1872 - Gas Piping Systems (PLGA 4)
HIMP1009 - Health Information Mgmt I (HIM1)
HIMP3009 - Him III (HIM2)
PLGA 1864 - Hot Water Storage Tanks & Heaters (PLGA 2)
PLGA1870 - Hydronic Controls (PLGA 3)
PLGA 1860 - Hydronics Systems 1 (PLGA 2)
PLGA1869 - Hydronic Systems 2 (PLGA 3)
PIPT3020 - Industrial Pipefitting (PIPE2)
PIPT3004 - Intorduction To Drainage Systems (PIPE2)
PIPT3007 - Introduction To Plubing Appliances, Fixtures And Trim (PIPE2)
PIPT3005 - Introduction To Venting Systems (PIPE2)
PIPT3006 - Introduction To Water Supply (PIPE2)
PIPT1009 - Intro To Electric & Fuel Weldi (PIPE1)
INME1036 - Intro To Fluid Power (INME)
PIPT3018 - Intro To Hydronic Heating (PIPE2)
NETW1500 - Intro To Nos Administration (IT-SMS)
PIPT1010 - Intro To Pipe Fabrication (PIPE1)
PIPT3011 - Intro To Rigging Hoisting & Li (PIPE2)
PIPT1020 - Intro To Sprinkler Systems (PIPE1)
PIPT1013 - Intro To Sustainable Energy Sy (PIPE1)
PLGA1878 - Job Planning, Documentation And Mentoring (PLGA 4)
PLTA 1817 - Level 4 Week #1 (PLTA 4)
PLTA 1818 - Level 4 Week #2 (PLTA 4)
PLTA 1820 - Level 4 Week #4 (PLTA 4)
PLGA1876 - Low Pressure Steam (PLGA 4)
MOAS2018 - Medical Office Transcription (MOAS)
HIMP2005 - Medical Terminology II (HIM1)
PIPT1004 - Non Ferrous Piping (PIPE1)
OSYS1000 - Operating Systems - Linux (IT-SMS)
OSYS1000 - Operating Systems - Linux (IT-DBA)
PIPT3013 - Pipe Fabrication II (PIPE2)
PLGA1851 - Pipe, Fitting & Pipe Assembly 1a (Ferrous) (PLGA 1)
PLGA1852 - Pipe, Fitting & Pipe Assembly 1b (Non-Ferrous) (PLGA 1)
PLGA 1862 - Plumbing Fixtures, Applicances & Accessories (PLGA 2)
PIPT1012 - Portfolio Workplace Shadowing I (PIPE1)
PLGA1868 - Potable Water 2 (PLGA 3)
PLTA 3 - Powerline 3 (PLTA 3)
INME1043 - Precision Machining II (INME)
PLGA1873 - Process Piping And Medical Gas (PLGA 4)
PROG2007 - Programming II (IT-P)
HIMP2013 - Project Management And Teamwork (HIM2)
OHSE1610 - Quality Management For Ohse (OHS2)
HIMP3015 - Research Design (HIM2)
PLGA1844 - Review (PLGA 4)
PLGA1874 - Rural Water And Waste (PLGA 4)
PLGP1000 - Safety Tools & Equipment (PLUM)
PLGA1848 - Safety/Tools & Equipment (PLGA 1)
PLGA 1859 - Specialty Piping Applications (PLGA 2)
PLGA1871 - Specialty Piping & Green Technology (PLGA 3)
COMP2110 - Spreadsheets I (MOAS)
SUPPLIES - Supplies (DENT)
PIPT1018 - Tools And Equipment (PIPE1)
PLGA1865 - Water Service, Fixtures & Accessories (PLGA 3)
PLGA1855 - Water Supply 1 (PLGA 1)
PLGA1875 - Water Treatment Systems (PLGA 4)
ISEC2055 - Web Application Security (IT-W2)
PLTA 1806 - Week Five (PLTA 1)
PLTA 1805 - Week Four (PLTA 1)
PLTA 1802 - Week One (PLTA 1)
PLTA 1804 - Week Three (PLTA 1)
PLTA 1803 - Week Two (PLTA 1)
PLGA1849 - Welding & Brazing (PLGA 1)
INME1038 - Welding II (INME)
PIPT3021 - Welding Industrial Pipe (PIPE2)