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Campus: KINGS
Term: WINT25
Select Courses
ESTN1216 - Ac Circuits (ESTN1)
TRHS 1200 - Accommodations (TRHS)
ACTG4005 - Accounting Practicum (BA ACC)
ELEC1004 - Ac Theory (ELCI)
ELTN1004 - Ac Theory (ELTN)
ECSP 1012 - Administering Early Childhood Services (ECSP 2)
OFFI 2109 - Administrative Terminology (ADPRO)
COMP 2107 - Advanced Spreadsheet (ADPRO)
ECSP 1004 - Aesthetics & Creativity (ECSP 1)
DSSP 2028 - Aging With Disabilities (DSSP2)
SAFE1030 - Air Conditioning Green Card (TTRR)
ALL - All Courses (CARC)
ALL - All Courses (PLUM J)
PRNS 2011 - Alterations In The Health Of Adults (PNUR)
MOAS 3020 - Anatomy, Physiology & Med Term II (MOAS)
MATH2500 - Applied Business Mathematics (BSAD)
ENTR4000 - Applied Entrepeneurship (BA ELE)
COOK 2500 - Applied Food Operations (CULM 2)
ESTN1218 - Applied Math II (ESTN1)
COMP 2000 - Applied Social Media (ADPRO)
SOCS 1024 - Applied Social Services Counselling Skills (SOCS1)
COOK 2080 - Baking Theory 11 (BPAT)
ACTG 1015 - Basic Accounting For Managers (TRHS)
SOCS 2003 - Behavioural Learning Principals And Strategies (SOCS2)
PLGP1003 - Blueprint Reading And Interpretation I (PLUM J)
CONC 1016 - Body Structure And Functions & Related Health Issues (CCA P)
CONC 1016 - Body Structure And Functions & Related Health Issues (CONC)
ASRP1011 - Brakes (ASRP)
HETR2011 - Braking Systems I (TTRR)
HETR2012 - Braking Systems II (TTRR)
CARP3014 - Building Science Fundamentals (CARD2)
COMP1050 - Business Computer Applications (BA JAN)
COMP2050 - Business Computer Applications II (BSAD)
MATH3001 - Business Statistics (BA ACC)
EETD5001 - Business, Technology & Modern Society (EETN2)
CNCM2015 - Cad Cam II (CNCM)
CULS 1140 - Cakes And Pastries (CULM 1)
CULS 1170 - Career Readiness (CULM 1)
CARP3013 - Casework Design (CARD2)
CARP2010 - Casework Fabrication (CARD2)
CONC 1070 - Clinical (Home Support) I (CONC)
CNCM2011 - Cmm Inspection/Lean Manu. (CNCM)
CNCM2012 - Cnc Maching Centre (CNCM)
CNCM2013 - Cnc Turning Centre II (CNCM)
BIOL 1047 - College Biology II (ACCESS)
CHEM 1047 - College Chemistry II (ACCESS)
MATH 1049 - College Health Mathematics II (ACCESS)
MATH 1047 - College Mathematics II (ACCESS)
ELEC1006 - Commercial & Industrial Wiring (ELCI)
ELTN1008 - Commercial & Industrial Wiring (ELTN)
ELTN1107 - Commercial Print Reading (ELTN2)
COMM 1227 - Communications I (BPAT)
COMM 1227 - Communications I (CULM 1)
COMM1228 - Communications II (HLTG)
COMM2215 - Communications- Workplace Applications (BSAD)
COMM 2215 - Communications-Workplace Applications (ADPRO)
COMM 2215 - Communications-Workplace Applications (MOAS)
COMM 1205 - Communication - Workplace Foundations (BA JAN)
SOCS 2009 - Community Development (SOCS1)
BUSI2010 - Community Learning And Leadership (BA ELE)
ACTG 2010 - Computerized Accounting I (ADPRO)
ACTG 3010 - Computerized Accounting II (BA ACC)
CARP3001 - Construction Drawings (CARD)
CARP1023 - Construction Math/Estimating I (CARC)
CARP1010 - Construction Safety (CARC)
CULS 1160 - Cooking For Health And Culture (CULM 1)
FINA4010 - Corporate Finance II (BA ELE)
SOCS 3029 - Crisis Intervention Strategies And Techniques (SOCS2)
COOK 2600 - Culinary Management (CULM 2)
COOK 2550 - Culinary Technologies (CULM 2)
DSSP 1023 - Cultural Humility And Professional Ethics (DSSP1)
COOK 2108 - Decoration Work 11 (BPAT)
GDEV 1025 - Developmental Psychology (DSSP1)
GDEV 1025 - Developmental Psychology (SOCS1)
ESTN1210 - Digital Logic (ESTN1)
ECSP 1015 - Diverse And Inclusive Practice In Ece (ECSP 2)
COMP 2215 - Doc Processing Ii-Med Office (MOAS)
COMP 2106 - Document Production II (ADPRO)
CULS 1120 - Eggs And Breakfast (CULM 1)
ELTV - Elective (EETN2)
ELTVO - Elective Open (HOPE)
ELTVO - Elective Open (HLAN)
ELTVP - Elective - Prescribed (BA FIN)
ELTVP - Elective - Prescribed (BSAD)
ELTVP - Elective - Prescribed (BA 2)
ELTVP - Elective - Prescribed (BA ACC)
ASRP1018 - Electrical II (ASRP)
MOAS 2009 - Electronic Medical Office Sys (MOAS)
PRMA 2000 - Engineering Drawings II (PRMA)
HETR2010 - Engines And Engine Systems I (TTRR)
ESTN1212 - Fabrication, Installation & Mechanical Fund II (ESTN1)
DSSP 2026 - Facilitating Life Planning (DSSP2)
PRNS 3055 - Family And Community Clinical (PN1)
PLGP 1001 - Ferrous Piping (PLUM J)
ACTG1000 - Financial Accounting I (BA JAN)
ACTG2000 - Financial Accounting II (BA ELE)
FINA4001 - Financial Services Practicum (BA FIN)
TRHS1230 - Food And Beverage Services Essentials (TRHS)
CARP1013 - Foundations 1 Site Layout (CARC)
CARP1016 - Foundations II (Forms & Footings) (CARD)
SOCS 1017 - Foundations Of Social Service Practice (SOCS1)
TTTD2130 - Frames, Chassis & Cabs (TTRR2)
CARP1204 - Framing Exterior Walls (CARD)
SOCS 2008 - Grief And Loss (SOCS2)
ECSP 1006 - Health And Safety (ECSP 1)
PRNS 2004 - Health Assessment Of The Adult (PNUR)
PRNS 2018 - Health Promotion And Community Nursing (PN1)
HPRA2019 - Horticulture Science II (HLTG)
GDEV 2028 - Human Growth And Development II (ECSP 2)
GDEV 1001 - Human Life Cycle (CONC)
MGMT 3015 - Human Resource Management (BA 2)
TTTD2210 - Hydraulics (TTRR2)
HETR2030 - Hydraulics I (TTRR)
ESTN1005 - Industry Readiness (ESTN1)
INDR 1010 - Industry Readiness (CARC)
INDR 1010 - Industry Readiness (PLUM J)
HORT1010 - Industry Relations (HLTG)
ELTN2001 - Integrated Energy Systems/Smart Grid Tech (ELTN2)
HLAN3006 - Integrated Pest Management (HLTG)
CARP3011 - Interior Trim (CARD2)
PRMA 2004 - Into To Computer Numically Controls (PRMA)
CRIS 1022 - Intro Crisis Mental Health (CONC)
SOCS 2035 - Introduction To Addictions (SOCS2)
SOCS 2025 - Introduction To Grant Proposal Writing (DSSP2)
SOCS 2025 - Introduction To Grant Proposal Writing (SOCS2)
COOK 1328 - Introduction To Human Relation (BPAT)
COOK 1328 - Introduction To Human Relations (CULM 1)
INSU3010 - Introduction To Insurance (BA FIN)
INTB 3101 - Introduction To International Business (BA 2)
DSSP 1021 - Introduction To Mental Health (DSSP1)
PREL 2166 - Introduction To Public Relations (BA ELE)
SVLN 1000 - Introduction To Service Learning (SOCS1)
CARP3002 - Intro To Common Stairs (CARD2)
PLGP1004 - Intro. To Drainage Systems (PLUM)
HETR1016 - Intro To Electric Welding (TTRR)
HLTG1020 - Intro. To Environmental Hoticulture (HLAN)
HLTG1020 - Intro. To Environmental Hoticulture (HOPE)
SOCS2021 - Intro To Forensic Psychology (HHSE)
PLGP1009 - Intro To Hydronic Heating (PLUM)
PLGP1008 - Intro. To Plumbing Appliances, Fixtures & Trim (PLUM)
PRMA 2001 - Intro To Precision Measuring Tools (PRMA)
SOCS 1000 - Intro To Sociology (ECSP 2)
PLGP1006 - Intro. To Venting Systems (PLUM)
PLGP1007 - Intro. To Water Supply I (PLUM)
ECSP 1127 - Issues In School Age Care (ECSP 2)
ECSP2205 - Land Based Cirriculum For The Outdoor Learning Environment (ECSP 1)
HLTG1006 - Landscape Analysis & Planning (HOPE)
HLTG1006 - Landscape Analysis & Planning (HLAN)
HLAN4002 - Landscape Installation (HLAN)
HPRA1004 - Landscape Plant Materials I (HLTG)
HPRA 2005 - Landscape Principles II (HLTG)
TRHS 1250 - Leadership Essentials And Group Dynamics (TRHS)
CONC 1019 - Learning Essential Approaches To Palliative Care (CONC)
CONC 1019 - Learning Essential Approaches To Palliative Care (CCA P)
TTTD2240 - Maintenance II (TTRR2)
ASRP1015 - Maintenance Inspection & Body Mechanical (ASRP)
ACTG3001 - Managerial Accounting (BA ACC)
FINA1311 - Managing Personal Finances (BA JAN)
DSSP 2025 - Managing Responsive Behaviours (DSSP2)
MKTG1010 - Marketing I (BA JAN)
MKTG 2005 - Marketing II (BSAD)
PRNS 2017 - Maternal Child Nursing (PN1)
PRMA 1007 - Mathmatics II (PRMA)
MOAS 2018 - Medical Office Transcription (MOAS)
EETD5000 - Microcontroller Applications (EETN2)
ECON2025 - Microeconomics (BA ELE)
PRMA 2002 - Milling Operations (PRMA)
ECSP 1016 - Music And Movement (ECSP 1)
FINA3101 - Mutual Funds (BA FIN)
PLGP1002 - Non-Ferrous Piping (PLUM J)
NVCI - Non Violent Crisis Interventio (SOCS2)
NVCI - Non Violent Crisis Interventio (DSSP1)
TRHS 1260 - Nova Scotia Tourism (TRHS)
PRNS 2051 - Nursing Clinical II (PNUR)
PRNS 2002 - Nursing Skills II (PNUR)
CONC 1005 - Nutrition And Meal Preparation (CCA P)
CONC 1005 - Nutrition And Meal Preparation (CONC)
OFFI 2010 - Office Procedures II (ADPRO)
MGMT 3035 - Operations Management (BA 2)
HLTG4005 - Operations Production & Maintenance II (HOPE)
MGMT 1010 - Organizational Behaviour - Block A (BSAD)
MGMT1010 - Organizational Behaviour - Block B - Tara Laceby (BSAD)
COOK 2400 - Pastry & Artisanal Bread (CULM 2)
COOK 2120 - Patisserie 11 (BPAT)
FINA3020 - Personal Lending & Mortgages (BA FIN)
PRNS 2003 - Pharmacology/Admin. Of Medication (PN1)
PRNS 3060 - Pharmacology Clinical (PN1)
ELTN2100 - Photovoltaic Design & Installation (ELTN2)
CULS 1180 - Plant Based Cuisine (CULM 1)
HLTG1010 - Plant Production & Retail Mgmt II (HLTG)
HLTG2020 - Plant, Production & Retail Mgmt III (HOPE)
HLAN4003 - Plants In The Landscape (HOPE)
HLAN4003 - Plants In The Landscape (HLAN)
COOK 2107 - Plated Dessert 11 (BPAT)
ECSP 1005 - Positive Child Guidance (ECSP 1)
DSSP 2050 - Practicum II (DSSP2)
BUSI1020 - Principles Of Business (BA JAN)
DSSP 1015 - Princples Of Learning I (DSSP1)
DSSP 2023 - Professional Practice: Employment Readiness (DSSP2)
CONC 1013 - Professional Practice For Continuing Care (CONC)
SOCS 1020 - Professional Practice II:Cultural Competency And Anti-Oppres (SOCS1)
SOCS 2040 - Professional Practice IV:Advocacy And Social Justice (SOCS2)
PSAL2015 - Professional Selling (BA FIN)
HGRO4001 - Propagation II (HOPE)
CULS 2070 - Protein And Sauce Essentials (CULM 1)
HLTG1005 - Research, Practice & Application (HOPE)
HLTG1005 - Research, Practice & Application (HLAN)
PLGP1000 - Safety, Tools, Equipment & Rigging (PLUM J)
PSAL 2121 - Selling For Success (BA 2)
ELTN2004 - Semiconductor Circuits (ELTN2)
ESTN1214 - Semiconductor Circuits (ESTN1)
DSSP 2029 - Sexuality With Disabilities (DSSP2)
CONC 1033 - Skills And Medications (CCA P)
CONC 1033 - Skills And Medications (CONC)
ELECTIVE - Socs 2021 - Intro To Forensic Psych (SOCS2)
COMP 2110 - Spreadsheets I (MOAS)
ASRP1017 - Steering (ASRP)
MGMT 4015 - Strategic Decision Making (BA 2)
ASIST - Suicide Intervention (SOCS2)
MKTG2050 - Supply Chain Management (BA ELE)
DSSP 1020 - Supporting Activities Of Daily Living (DSSP1)
CARP1203 - Supports, Beams And Joists (CARD)
ASRP1016 - Suspension (ASRP)
COOK 2300 - Sustainable Butchery (CULM 2)
ACTG3002 - Taxation (BA ACC)
ELTN2245 - Technical Commnications For Elec. Tech. (ELTN2)
COMM2245 - Technical Communications II (EETN2)
DSSP 1026 - Therapeutic Communication & Documentation (DSSP1)
CARP1011 - Tools 1 Hand Tools (CARC)
ELEC1011 - Tools & Equipment II (ELCI)
ELTN1011 - Tools & Equipment II (ELTN)
CARP1017 - Tools III Stationary Power Tools (CARD)
CARP1012 - Tools II Portable Power Tools (CARC)
CARP3007 - Trade Communications (CARD2)
TTTD2230 - Truck Bodies & Trailers (TTRR2)
PRMA 2003 - Turning Operations (PRMA)
COOK 2123 - Viennoiserie And Petit (BPAT)
ECSP 1018 - Wellness Of Children, Families And Self (ECSP 2)
TRHS 1240 - Wine, Spirits And Beer Fundamentals (TRHS)
ECSP 1054 - Work Experience I (ECSP 1)
ECSP 2054 - Work Experience III (ECSP 2)
INDR1020 - Working Effectively In The Trades (PRMA)
INDR1020 - Working Effectively In The Trades (PLUM)
INDR1020 - Working Effectively In The Trades (CARD)
INDR1020 - Working Effectively In The Trades (ELCI)
INDR1020 - Working Effectively In The Trades (ASRP)
INDR1020 - Working Effectively In The Trades (TTRR)
INDR1020 - Working Effectively In The Trades (ELTN)
COMM 1001 - Workplace Development (ACCESS)
SOCS 2005 - Writing Skills For Social Service Practice II (SOCS1)
COOK 2102 - Yeast Dough Products 11 (BPAT)
ECSP 1125 - Young Children (ECSP 1)